Starting a new simulation project
It can admittedly be a bit daunting for new users to get started on implementing their own simulation project. For that reason, we have created a little helpful (hopefully) utility, which based on a user-supplied project name helps the users setting up all the necessary files and directories required to add a few simplebuild packages containing a little trivial example of how to setup and analyse a Geant4 simulation. The user can then get started quickly, simply by modifying the example.
The command to use is dgcode_newsimproject
$> dgcode_newsimproject -h
usage: dgcode_newsimproject [-h] [-d DIR] PROJECTNAME
Creates, and populates with skeleton code, new packages for a simulation
positional arguments:
PROJECTNAME Project name. Should be short and descriptive
CamelCased string with no spaces
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d DIR, --target_dir DIR
Target directory. Defaults to <root>/PROJECTNAME where
<root> is the pkg-root associated with your main
simplebuild.cfg file.
For the sake of the following discussions, we will assume you are creating a
completely fresh working directory in which you wish to work (this might of
course not be the case). Thus, first create a new empty directory, step into it
and use sb --init dgcode
to setup a new simplebuild and dgcode-based bundle
in which you can create packages for your project. Technically, the command
creates an appropriate simplebuild.cfg
file which will serve as the main
cfg file whenever you later invoke the sb
command (more details available
and here).
Next, configure and build everything by typing the command sb
(this might
take a few minutes to complete):
$> sb --init dgcode
sbld: Created simplebuild.cfg. If you wish you can edit it to fine-tune your configuration
$> sb
sbld: Inspecting environment via CMake
-- Using CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 13.3.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.3.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
sbld: Type the following command (exactly) to do so (undo later by --env-unsetup instead):
sbld: eval "$(sb --env-setup)"
So assuming we want a project to investigate the properties of a new amazing
detector technology, named “tricorder”, we then proceed by using the
command (please try to use CamelCasing for project names):
$> dgcode_newsimproject TriCorder
Created file: TriCorder/G4GeoTriCorder/
Created file: TriCorder/G4GeoTriCorder/pycpp_GeoTriCorder/
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/app_ana/
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/scan
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/scanana
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/sim
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/simanachain
Created file: TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/test
Created 9 new files from the simulation project skeleton under
Now you can go carefully through them and replace their contents as needed for
your project.
Do not forget to update documentation in comments and files!
Make sure that you have edited all files, and that everything is tested with at
least "sb --tests" before committing anything to a shared repository!
As written, new packages and files have been created for you in your local
directory (defaulting to the directory of your main simplebuild.cfg
file). Of course, if you are working with code in a shared repository (e.g. at
GitHub), nothing has been added to the remote repository at this point. Nor
should it, since having multiple essentially identical copies of the same
example in a shared repository is not very useful. Rather, you are now expected
to modify the files as appropriate for your actual project before finally git
’ing and committing and pushing them to the central repository server. If
these terms are obscure to you, you should most likely spend some time learning
about Git, for instance here or here.
For now, you can immediately type sb
to ensure that the newly added files
get built, or even sb --tests
to also run the associated unit tests:
$> sb --tests
sbld: Disabled 2 packages due to missing external dependencies
sbld: Configuration completed => Launching build with 4 parallel processes
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
[94mBuild started[0m
Updating symlinks TriCorder/scripts
Updating symlinks TriCorder/testlogs
Generating G4GeoTriCorder/
Updating symlinks G4GeoTriCorder/testlogs
Installing global system modules
Building TriCorder/app_ana/analysis_program.o
Building G4GeoTriCorder/pycpp_GeoTriCorder/geometry_module.o
Creating application sb_tricorder_ana
Package TriCorder done
Creating python module G4GeoTriCorder.GeoTriCorder
Package G4GeoTriCorder done
All done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
sbld: Summary:
sbld: Main bundle pkg root : /some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir
sbld: Installation directory : /some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir/simplebuild_cache/install
sbld: Build directory : /some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir/simplebuild_cache/bld
sbld: Package search path : /some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir (2 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.11/site-packages/_simple_build_system/data/pkgs-core (1 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.11/site-packages/simplebuild_dgcode/data/pkgs (55 built, 2 skipped)
sbld: System : Linux-6.8.0-1021-azure
sbld: Required dependencies : C[GNU/13.3.0] CMake[3.31.6] CXX[GNU/13.3.0]
sbld: Python[3.11.11] pybind11[2.13.6]
sbld: Optional dependencies present : DL[-] Geant4[11.1.3] NCrystal[4.1.2] Numpy[2.2.3]
sbld: OSG[3.6.5] ZLib[1.3.1] matplotlib[3.10.0]
sbld: Optional dependencies missing[*] : ASE Fortran Garfield Gemmi HDF5 Mantidpython
sbld: Pandas PyToml Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib
sbld: Threads mpmath
sbld: Package filter[*] : <none>
sbld: Build mode : release
sbld: 58 packages built successfully : Core DGCodeRecommended DGCodeRecommendedNoGUI
sbld: DMSCUtils DevTools EvtFile ExportUtils ExprParser
sbld: G4B10Common G4CollectFilters G4CustomPyGen
sbld: G4DataCollect G4ExprParser G4GeantinoInserter
sbld: G4GeoTriCorder G4GravityHelper G4GriffGen
sbld: G4HeatMap G4Interfaces G4Launcher ... (38 more,
sbld: supply --verbose to see all)
sbld: 2 packages skipped due to [*] : RootUtils SimpleHists2ROOT
sbld: Running tests in /some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir/simplebuild_cache/bld/testresults:
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/autogen_tricorder_projdir'
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: Test job results | Time [ms] | Job EC | Log-diff | Trouble info
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: sb_tricorder_test | 1434 | OK | -- | --
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: Test results are also summarised in: simplebuild_test_results_junitformat.xml
sbld: All tests completed without failures!
sbld: Build done. To use the resulting environment you must first enable it!
sbld: Type the following command (exactly) to do so (undo later by --env-unsetup instead):
sbld: eval "$(sb --env-setup)"
Editing the generated files
The pre-filled example inside the files consists of a simple setup in which
neutrons hit a spherical sample and get recorded on a box-shaped detector.
Running the simulation and analysis with default values will result in
histograms (in a SimpleHists file) representing the
“detected” hitmap, in which Debye-Scherrer cones from the polycrystalline sample
material can be observed. It might be useful to start by visualising the simulation setup with the command sb_tricorder_sim --dataviewer
(or sb_tricorder_sim --viewer
to get just the geometry):

The most interesting files in our TriCorder project, and the files you especially need to focus on when editing, are discussed in the following. Note that for technical reasons the links below points to files in a project called “SkeletonSP” instead of “TriCorder”, but apart from the naming there is no difference:
- TriCorder/G4GeoTriCorder/pycpp_GeoTriCorder/
The implementation of the simulation geometry, including definition of modifiable parameters.
- TriCorder/TriCorder/scripts/sim:
The simulation script which puts together our geometry with a generator and becomes the command
, which can be used to launch the simulation, or visualise it. Run the commandsb_tricorder_sim -h
to learn more about the possibilities. The output of the simulation is one or more Griff files. In the same ‘scripts’ directory you will also find more specialised scripts, which can be used to for instance create parameter scans.- TriCorder/TriCorder/app_ana/
An analysis program which can be invoked via the command
and which is used to analyse the Griff files. This analysis results in the production of a SimpleHists file containing analysis histograms, which can then be opened for additional analysis, or simply browsed with thesb_simplehists_browse
command.- TriCorder/TriCorder/ and TriCorder/G4GeoTriCorder/ :
files should contain a bit of general information about what your simulation project is about, which people are involved with it, etc.
Of course, you should only Git commit some or all of these files once you have actually edited them somewhat as suits your project. After all, you are most likely not interested in filling up your Git repository with 10 copies of what is essentially the same simple example, only differing in naming.