
A general purpose object oriented output file format, Griff (Geant4 Results In Friendly Format), with meta-data has been implemented in dgcode, in order to facilitate a faster turn-around time when setting up and analysing simulations, as well as allowing more complex and detailed whole-event analyses. Based on custom serialisation code, it is optimised for easy, fast and reliable analyses from either C++ or Python of low-multiplicity physics, but supports filtering for scenarios involving higher multiplicities or statistics. No dedicated publication for Griff exists at this point in time, but it was presented in doi:10.1088/1742-6596/513/2/022017 which should so far be used as the main reference.

Data contents


Installed through the Geant4 stepping action hook, entire simulated events will by default be written to the file, including information normally available to traditional Geant4 in-job analyses – such as information about volumes and particle meta data. The file can thus be opened and read without a Geant4 installation, and provides the user with an object oriented access to information from the entire event as illustrated in the first figure on the top right of this page. Easy navigation between objects (e.g. from a track to its daughter tracks or constituent steps) is naturally included. As illustrated in the figure, one additional layer is interspersed between the track and step layers: series of consecutive steps of a track within a given volume are grouped together in segments. Not only does this facilitate a more efficient data layout, it is also a highly useful concept at the analysis level.

A more detailed view of what data is available in a Griff file can be gained by looking at the C++ classes in the GriffDataRead package:

Data reduction / output filtering

If necessary, Griff supports two non-exclusive means of reducing data size by filtering output (note that this is not to be confused with the selection filtering performed during analysis of Griff files, described in a section further down this page):

  • Reduce step data globally: Due to the contained coordinates, step data requires the most disk space; therefore, the primary global filtering method is to reduce the amount of steps written out. Either by completely omitting step data, or by combining all steps on a segment into one meta-step. Conveniently controlled by a global flag, there are thus three available modes:

    • FULL: All steps are written to the file. Naturally this provides full information at the expense of creating the largest files.

    • MINIMAL: No steps are written to the file. This creates very light-weight files, and is useful when an analysis do not need coordinates or momenta of particles.

    • REDUCED: All steps on each segment are coalesced into a single step. Keeping the coordinates and momenta at the ends of each segment, this mode often represents the best compromise between size and information.

  • Custom output filters: Alternatively, users can register custom step-filters, thereby gaining complete control of the stored output. Step filters implement StepFilterBase and essentially filters each G4Step instance during Geant4 simulation. The potential gain in file-size from this are huge, but the downside is obviously that the whole event is no longer available (i.e. when analysing, one can’t be certain that a track has all of its segments, steps or daughter tracks available). They can be activated from either Python or C++. A few premade examples of such filters reside in the G4CollectFilters package, but users are free to implement their own:

    To actually use the filters, they must be enabled in a sim-script (see here for a complete example of such a script):

    import G4CollectFilters.StepFilterVolume
    my_griff_filter = G4CollectFilters.StepFilterVolume.create()
    my_griff_filter.volumeList = ["Detector"]
    launcher.setFilter(my_griff_filter)#Griff filter

How to enable Griff output

When using dgcode, the default is that Griff output is enabled and in FULL Griff mode, written to a file named output.griff. Most sim-scripts should change these defaults to something reasonable for the project, which can be done with a call:


Which changes the default to be to write Griff output in REDUCED mode to a file named mystuff.griff. In case the simulation is run with multiple processes (using the -jN flag of the sim-script), the output files will be named mystuff.<i>.griff where <i> is a number from \(0\) to \(N-1\).

No matter what default Griff filename and mode is specified in the sim-script, it is always changeable from the command line using the -o and -m flags:

-o FN, --output=FN    Filename for GRIFF output [default mystuff]
-m MODE, --mode=MODE  GRIFF storage mode [default REDUCED]

Use launcher.setOutput("none") in the script or -o none (or --output=none) on the command-line to disable Griff output entirely.

If for some reason you are not using the standard G4Launcher-based sim-scripts, you can enable Griff output with the following C++ call (after including the G4DataCollect/G4DataCollect.hh header file from the G4DataCollect package):


You will probably also want to call different functions from that header file, for instance in case you want to store job-level metadata.

Analysing Griff files

Basic approach

One simply instantiates a GriffDataReader object from the GriffDataRead package and use it both for extraction of job-level meta-data and for looping through the events while accessing the data (see above) inside each event, starting from the tracks and navigating from these to other objects.

A simple example of such an analysis is provided in GriffAnaEx/app_testcppana_basic/


Multiple input files can be chained together by specifying them with a wildcard, e.g. mysim.*.griff (but use quotes ' to avoid the shell expanding the * character for you, so actually type 'mysim.*.griff'). By default, Griff will abort if the simulation setup in all files are not identical, but this behaviour can be changed to instead letting the analysis know when a new setup is encountered.

Advanced approach

In addition, some higher-level analysis utilities are available in the GriffAnaUtils package, which allows (arguably) more readable and efficient analysis code. The basic idea is that before the loop over events begins, one declares one or more iterators for tracks, segments or steps, and assigns filters to them so that during the event loop they can be used to iterate over just the parts of each event which is of interest.

The basic analysis example from the previous section rewritten to use iterators and selection filters is provided in GriffAnaEx/app_testcppana_advanced/, and should illustrate the idea. In addition, a separate example show-casing how one can implement and use custom selection filters for specific needs is provided in GriffAnaEx/app_customfilter/

For reference, here are the iterators and all presently available filters from the GriffAnaUtils package (more filters can be added as needed obviously):

Python API

For convenience, all the Griff analysis classes are available in Python as well as in C++. This allows one to write analyses in Python just as (or rather, more) easily than in C++, as well as doing away with the need of a compilation in the editcompilerun analysis cycle typically carried out.

To see how Griff analysis can be performed in Python, here are the “basic” and “advanced” example from the previous sections as Python scripts:

There is also another advanced example in GriffAnaTests/scripts/testiter_py.

There is unfortunately one major downside of performing the analysis in Python rather than in C++, and that is that it can be a lot slower. Mostly, this does not matter, but when one have loops with a high number of events, then any difference in speed per event will obviously be noticeable. If using the “advanced” analysis approach with iterators and selection filters, the act of accessing the Griff data itself will be almost as fast in Python as in C++. However, normally the user will then do other stuff inside the loop such as performing calculations with the extracted data, and those calculations might unfortunately not be very fast when implemented inside a very long loop in Python.

The recommendation is thus to use C++ for Griff analysis when computational speed is a concern, but for smaller statistics (say, millions of particles simulated), Python remains a great option for quickly putting some plots together. A typical analysis approach in case of very large statistics would be to carry out the initial analysis in C++, writing out histograms (cf. SimpleHists), and then performing further analysis and plot production in Python, using those histograms (and perhaps also the job-level metadata from Griff).

Command-line utilities

A few command-line utilities are provided:

  • sb_griffformat_info: Can be used to quickly inspect the metadata in a file. This can be used to answer questions such as “what is in this file”? Or “with what settings did I simulate here?”.

  • sb_griffformat_dumpfile: Can be used to inspect the data inside a file at the raw level, and is mainly for experts. One important feature though is that it can be used to verify the integrity of the data, in case one is suspicious that a file might have become corrupted.

  • sb_g4osg_viewgriff: Can be used to visualise the data inside a file with our custom viewer.

  • sb_griffanautils_extractevts: Can be used to select and extract a few events from a large griff file into a smaller one. Run with --help for instructions.



Hidden from the user, the actual on-disk layout of Griff files is illustrated in the figure above: after a short file header, one event block is appended for each event. Data inside the block is kept in three sections containing shared, brief and full data respectively. Data unique to individual tracks, segments and steps is kept in the two latter, while as the name implies, common data relevant across events is kept in the shared data section. This includes any strings and metadata relating to volumes, particles, and job configuration, which can then be referenced economically through simple indices in the other sections (in current and following events). This means that in order to load the N’th event, the shared data sections of events 1 through N must have been loaded. Such a layout was chosen to enable direct streaming to disk without the need for additional post-processing, but typically only the first few events in a file will contain shared data. It also allows fast event skipping if search for specific events, since only the event header will have to be read in most intermediate events. Finally, it should be noted that segments and steps are written in an arrangement which prevents the necessity to needless duplicate information. An example of this is that the post-step position of a given step will be identical to the pre-step position of the following step, and this position is thus shared between the two.

The loading of an event is a highly optimised operation: the brief data section is loaded into memory and wrapped with pre-allocated thin track and segment classes. Data deserialisation is granular and happens only on demand when a particular property of an object is queried, and step objects are only created for a particular segment if needed.

The actual code implementing Griff is spread over several packages:

EvtFile :

Package implementing the container format with file and event header, section blocks (as illustrated in the image above), event skipping, and associated disk I/O and compression.

GriffFormat :

Package with common definitions used by both reader and writer modules. Also contains command-line scripts for inspecting Griff files (sb_griffformat_info and sb_griffformat_dumpfile).

GriffDataRead :

Package providing a data reader and related objects such as tracks, segments and steps.

GriffAnaUtils :

Optional package, providing iterators and selection filters for the objects in GriffDataRead.

G4DataCollect :

Geant4 hooks and stepping action for extracting data during simulation and creating Griff files.

GriffAnaEx :

Optional package with a few examples of how to analyse a Griff file.

Note that of the packages listed above, only G4DataCollect actually depends on Geant4. Thus, analysis of Griff files does not require a Geant4 installation.