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MCPL converters for PHITS

The PHITS–MCPL interface has been tested with PHITS v3.10 and exploits the existing PHITS capability to stop and subsequently restart simulations via intermediate binary files, the so-called PHITS dump files. Available since MCPL release v1.3.0, the PHITS-MCPL interface is thus implemented as two standalone commandline converters: phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits.

A detailed description of PHITS dump files can be found in the PHITS manual, but as the dump files must be configured to include the relevant information, the necessary PHITS input deck configuration will be discussed below. Afterwards, a few typical usage examples of phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits will be provided.

At the bottom of the page is also included a quick and dirty recipe for how the phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits commands can be obtained without first downloading and installing the MCPL distribution. Note that users of the ESS dgcode framework already have access to the commands.

Configuration for PHITS input deck

Producing binary dump files with PHITS

Binary dump files can be produced by PHITS in either of the so-called t-cross, t-product or t-time tallies. In all cases, lines like the following must be added in the relevant tally section:

   dump = 13
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16
   file = myout

Which will result in the binary dump files being produced with the name myout_dmp alongside a dump summary text file named myout. The configuration with 13 parameters given above includes polarisation (spin-direction) information. The other supported variant foregoes polarisation information and thus saves 22% on the resulting file size:

   dump = 10
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
   file = myout

The phits2mcpl command can accept binary dump files in either of the two formats above, and is able to distinguish between them automatically. It is not possible to use any other dump format than those two thus presented.

An example which includes the lines in a t-cross tally, capturing all particles going from region 1 to region 2 in a particular PHITS setup, is:

[ t-cross ]
   part = all
   mesh = reg
   reg = 1
   r-from r-to area
    1      2   1.0
   dump = 13
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16
   file = myout

If one wishes to be more selective about the particle types captured, one can change the part parameter, for example to: part = proton neutron photon.

Refer to the PHITS manual (linked above) for more details.

Reading binary dump files into PHITS

Simply specify the binary dump file in the [ Source ] section of the file. Note that the dump configuration must be listed exactly as below in order to consume the dump files produced by default when using mcpl2phits:

[ Source ]
   s-type =  17
    file = phits.dmp
    dump = 13
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16

If files without polarisation info are produced by mcpl2phits --nopol, then the format changes slightly:

[ Source ]
   s-type =  17
    file = phits.dmp
    dump = 10
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Refer to the PHITS manual (linked above) for more details.


A few exampes and instructions of how to use phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits are provided in the following.

Converting an PHITS file to MCPL

Simply providing the phits2mcpl command with the name of an existing PHITS file and the desired name of the MCPL file to be created, is enough to trigger the conversion:

phits2mcpl phits.dmp newfile.mcpl

Which produces an MCPL file (which has been automatically compressed to newfile.mcpl.gz). However, it is possible to add more than the minimal amount of information into the output file. First of all, the -d flag can be used to enable double-precision rather than single-precision storage of floating point numbers. Next, specifying -c <path_to_input_deck> will cause the PHITS input deck used to generate the PHITS file in question to be embedded into the MCPL header (can later be retrieved with mcpltool -bphits_input_deck newfile.mcpl). Finally, the PHITS dump summary text file which is created alongside the binary dump file can be likewise embedded, this time using the -s flag. It is retrievable via mcpltool -bphits_dump_summary_file newfile.mcpl. It is highly recommended to embed these two files (input_deck with -c and dump summary with -s) for later reference. Thus, enabling as much information as possible in the MCPL file would happen with:

phits2mcpl -d -c input_deck -s dump_summary phits.dmp newfile.mcpl

Inspecting the resulting newfile.mcpl.gz with mcpltool might give an output like this (admittedly the PHITS file was not from a very interesting simulation):

mcpltool newfile.mcpl.gz
Opened MCPL file newfile.mcpl.gz:

  Basic info
    Format             : MCPL-3
    No. of particles   : 594
    Header storage     : 6434 bytes
    Data storage       : 28512 bytes

  Custom meta data
    Source             : "PHITS"
    Number of comments : 1
          -> comment 0 : "Converted from PHITS with phits2mcpl (from MCPL release v1.3.0)"
    Number of blobs    : 2
          -> 4363 bytes of data with key "phits_input_deck"
          -> 1892 bytes of data with key "phits_dump_summary_file"

  Particle data format
    User flags         : no
    Polarisation info  : yes
    Fixed part. type   : no
    Fixed part. weight : no
    FP precision       : single
    Endianness         : little
    Storage            : 48 bytes/particle

index     pdgcode   ekin[MeV]       x[cm]       y[cm]       z[cm]          ux          uy          uz    time[ms]      weight       pol-x       pol-y       pol-z
    0        2112      1169.8     -2.0164      6.4596          10    -0.10218     0.32878     0.93886  1.1387e+06           1           0           0           0
    1        2112      26.151      3.0151      -4.268          10     0.18738    -0.23192     0.95452  3.1847e+06           1           0           0           0
    2        2112       42.51     -2.9759      14.841          10    -0.12301     0.61496     0.77891  3.1431e+06           1           0           0           0
    3        2112      39.573      34.363     -10.041          10     0.85331    -0.24925     0.45798  5.1811e+06           1           0           0           0
    4        2112      2.9449     -2.3766     -16.498          10   -0.070877     -0.6887     0.72158  1.1026e+07      0.9933           0           0           0
    5        2112      4.2087     -1.2293     -47.557          10   -0.015955    -0.94258     0.33361  1.8554e+07     0.99917           0           0           0
    6        2112      3.3349      5.1802     -11.839          10     0.28463    -0.52526     0.80193  9.4695e+06     0.99974           0           0           0
    7        2112     0.64025     -2.5525      11.771          10    -0.14217     0.56105     0.81548  2.1009e+07     0.99084           0           0           0
    8        2112     0.85396     -48.013      0.3756          10     -0.9519    0.054016      0.3016  4.2223e+07     0.99978           0           0           0
    9        2112     0.87755      2.9275     -11.281          10     0.21556    -0.45874     0.86203  1.7931e+07     0.99229           0           0           0

Converting an MCPL file to PHITS

Usage of the mcpl2phits command to convert an MCPL file into the PHITS format is even simpler - simply supply the name of the input and output files:

mcpl2phits newfile.mcpl.gz phits.dmp
Opened MCPL file produced with "PHITS" (contains 594 particles)
Creating (or overwriting) output PHITS file.
Initiating particle conversion loop.
Ending particle conversion loop.
Created phits.dmp with 594 particles.

This will likely be all that is needed, but advanced users can of course find a few more options for fine-tuning via mcpl2phits --help.

Get full usage instructions

Full usage instructions are obtainable with the --help flag:

phits2mcpl --help

  phits2mcpl [options] dumpfile [output.mcpl]

Converts the Monte Carlo particles in the input dump file (binary PHITS dump
file format in suitable configuration) to MCPL format and stores in the
designated output file (defaults to "output.mcpl").


  -h, --help   : Show this usage information.
  -d, --double : Enable double-precision storage of floating point values.
  -n, --nogzip : Do not attempt to gzip output file.
  -c FILE      : Embed entire configuration FILE (the input deck)
                 used to produce dumpfile in the MCPL header.
  -s FILE      : Embed into the MCPL header the dump summary text file,
                 which was produced along with the dumpfile itself.


mcpl2phits --help

  mcpl2phits [options] <input.mcpl> [phits.dmp]

Converts the Monte Carlo particles in the input MCPL file to binary PHITS
dump file format and stores the result in the designated output file
(defaults to "phitsdata_dmp"). The file can be read in PHITS using
a configuration of (assuming the filename is "phits.dmp"):
     dump = 13
     1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16
     file = phits.dmp


  -h, --help   : Show this usage information.
  -n, --nopol  : Do not write polarisation info (saving ~22% in file size). The
                 PHITS configuration reading the file must then be (assuming the
                 filename is "phits.dmp"):
                                            dump = 10
                                            1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
                                            file = phits.dmp
  -f           : Write Fortran records with 64 bit integer markers. Note that
                 the default (32 bit) is almost always the correct choice.
  -l<LIMIT>    : Limit the number of particles transferred to the PHITS file
                 (defaults to 0, meaning no limit).

Quick and dirty way to get phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits

Rather than downloading and building the full MCPL distribution, it is possible to get hold of the phits2mcpl and mcpl2phits commands simply by downloading and saving the two single-file (“fat”) versions of the code with via these links: phits2mcpl_app_fat.c and mcpl2phits_app_fat.c.

Next, go to a terminal and compile them with two commands (exchange “gcc” with the name of your compiler - e.g. “clang” on OSX):

gcc -std=c99 phits2mcpl_app_fat.c -lm -o phits2mcpl
gcc -std=c99 mcpl2phits_app_fat.c -lm -o mcpl2phits

And you are ready to run! For instance:

./phits2mcpl <my-phits-file> <my-mcpl-file>

Or get full usage instructions with:

./phits2mcpl --help
./mcpl2phits --help