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Monte Carlo Particle Lists

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MCPL hooks for Geant4

The interface between MCPL and Geant4 consists of two classes, G4MCPLGenerator and G4MCPLWriter (currently provided as part of the MCPL distribution itself), which users can use to either generate primary events from the particles in an existing MCPL file (1 particle per event), or to capture the particle state of particles entering one or more specified volumes in the simulation geometry and write them to a new MCPL file. A detailed description of the classes as well as how to use them is given in the MCPL paper (section 3.1), and the present page will merely provide examples for the most basic usage as well as a brief discussion of how to actually integrate the MCPL code in your Geant4 setup.

Note that users of the ESS-dgcode framework have more powerful Geant4-MCPL hooks available out of the box, and they should refer to the relevant documentation rather than the present page.

Basic usage examples

Using MCPL files as simulation input via G4MCPLGenerator

The G4MCPLGenerator class is a subclass of Geant4’s G4VUserPrimaryGeneratorAction interface class, and can be activated in the usual manner for such classes. The name of the MCPL file to be used as input must be provided in the form of a string to the constructor ofG4MCPLGenerator. Additionally, if the MCPL file runs out of particles (which it will eventually if Geant4 is requested to simulate more events than there are particles in the MCPL file), the G4MCPLGenerator will graciously request the G4RunManager to abort the simulation. Thus, a convenient way in which to use the entire input file for simulation is to launch the simulation with a very high number of events requested, as is shown in the following example:

#include "G4MCPLGenerator.hh"
#include "G4RunManager.hh"
#include <limits>

//Not shown here: Code defining MyGeometry and MyPhysicsList.

int main( int argc, char** argv ) {

  G4RunManager runManager;
  runManager.SetUserInitialization(new MyGeometry);
  runManager.SetUserInitialization(new MyPhysicsList);
  runManager.SetUserAction(new G4MCPLGenerator("myfile.mcpl"));

  return 0;

For advanced use-cases, it is possible to fine-tune the way the particles from the input MCPL file are used. For instance, it is possible to apply a filter in order to ignore some of the particles, or to modify their properties (e.g. performing coordinate transformations, time-shifting or re-weighting). In order to do so, the user must sub-class the G4MCPLGenerator and overwrite one or two methods as relevant. Refer to the detailed instructions in the MCPL paper (section 3.1) for more information.

Creating MCPL files from simulations via G4MCPLWriter

The G4MCPLWriter class is a subclass of Geant4’s G4VSensitiveDetector interface class, and can be activated in the usual manner for such classes. In the default configuration it “consumes” all particles which, during a simulation, enter any geometrical volume(s) to which it is attached by the user and stores them into the MCPL file which was specified as an argument to its constructor. It also asks Geant4 to end further simulation of those particles (“killing” them), in order to avoid potential issues of double-counting.

It is of course also possible to add meta-data to, or otherwise modify the settings of, the newly created MCPL file. The following code sample illustrate the typical usage pattern (alogvol is here a logical volume in Geant4, chosen by the user according to their needs):

//Provide output filename when creating G4MCPLWriter instance:
G4MCPLWriter * mcplwriter = new G4MCPLWriter("myoutput.mcpl");

//Optional calls which add meta-data or change flags:
mcplwriter->AddComment("Some useful description here");
mcplwriter->AddData( ... );

//Register with G4SDManager and on one or more logical
//volumes to activate:

For advanced use-cases, it is possible to fine-tune the way the particles are captured and whether they are “killed” or merely recorded, and it is also possible to fill custom information into the MCPL userflags in the resulting file. In order to do either, the user must sub-class the G4MCPLGenerator and overwrite the relevant method(s). Refer to the detailed instructions in the MCPL paper (section 3.1) for more information.

Integrating MCPL in a given Geant4 setup

Note that in order to actually use the G4MCPLGenerator and G4MCPLWriter classes, the simplest approach might be to copy the C++ files in which they reside into your existing build system (along with mcpl.h and mcpl.c).

Alternatively, an arguably more “clean” approach would be to first build and install the MCPL distribution itself via CMake script, after first installing Geant4 and making sure Geant4 is noticed correctly during the configuration (more here). This should, after the build and install is completed (with make install) result in an installation which can be used in your downstream CMake code by finding MCPL and adding the MCPL::g4mcpl target:

  # ... my other CMake code up here, defining
  #     some "myexampleapp" binary target ...

  target_link_libraries( myexampleapp MCPL::g4mcpl )