Usage example
Before diving into all the details in later sections, we will in the following
go through a small usage example. The code in this example will not do anything
useful in itself, and is merely meant to illustrate how one might lay out files
for a given project or task, use the main simplebuild command sb
configure and build everything, and finally invoke a few of the resulting
Example project files
The following lists all the files in our little (silly) user
project. Technically, these files are spread over three simplebuild packages
and these packages are collected in a single simplebuild bundle. Our example
directory thus contains a simplebuild.cfg file (exactly one
such is always associated with a bundle), as well as three packages, named
, SomePkgB
, and SomePkgC
– each kept in their separate
subdirectory of the same name as the package (the subdirectory name actually
defines the name of the package). In addition to code files, each package
subdirectory contains a
file, with information about the
dependencies of the given package.
example_project/simplebuild.cfg (TOML)
# A simplebuild.cfg file is always needed to define a bundle, but for this super # simple example it can essentially be empty.
# This package has no dependencies. It provides a few python modules, as well as # a single command-line application written in Python. package()
example_project/SomePkgA/pycpp_bar/ (C++)
#include "Core/Python.hh" #include <iostream> namespace { void somecppfunc() { std::cout<<"in somecppfunc in a python module"<<std::endl; } } PYTHON_MODULE( mod ) { //The following binding is essentially pybind11 code: mod.def("somecppfunc", &somecppfunc ); }
example_project/SomePkgA/python/ (Python)
def somefunc(): print("in somefunc in a python module") def mysquarefunc( x ): return x * x
example_project/SomePkgA/scripts/mycmd (Python)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import import print("I am calling functions from python modules in my own package:")
# This package provides a commandline application implemented in Python. The # application uses Python modules implemented in another package (SomePkgA), so # we must list that package as a dependency here: package( USEPKG SomePkgA )
example_project/SomePkgB/scripts/mycmd (Python)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 import import print("I am calling functions from python modules in another package:")
# This package provides a single commandline application implemented in C++. To # make it less trivial, the application builds against an external library # (zlib), so we must list that as dependency here: package( USEEXT ZLib )
example_project/SomePkgC/app_foobar/ (C++)
#include <iostream> #include "zlib.h" int main() { std::cout << "I am a silly little C++ application" << std::endl; std::cout << "I am built against zlib in version: " << ZLIB_VERSION << std::endl; }
Building the project
To build our example project, we simply step into the directory where we have
the simplebuild.cfg file by issuing a command like cd
(it is also OK to step into any sub-directory
under that directory). Technically this directory is the package root of our
package bundle. Then we simply invoke sb
with no arguments to perform the
build (this includes both configuration, build, and installation steps of more
traditional setups):
$> sb
sbld: Inspecting environment via CMake
-- Using CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 13.3.0
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.3.0
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /conda/envs/sbenv/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /conda/envs/sbenv/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Python executable: /conda/envs/sbenv/bin/python3
-- Python version: 3.13.2
-- Performing Test compiler_supports_Wno-array-bounds
-- Performing Test compiler_supports_Wno-array-bounds - Success
-- Performing Test compiler_supports_Wno-stringop-overread
-- Performing Test compiler_supports_Wno-stringop-overread - Success
-- Found pybind11 version 2.13.6
-- Checking for ZLib installation
-- Checking for ZLib installation -- yes
-- Found ZLib version: 1.3.1
-- Skipped unused dependencies: ASE DL Fortran Garfield Geant4 Gemmi
-- HDF5 Mantidpython NCrystal Numpy OSG Pandas
-- PyToml Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib Threads
-- matplotlib mpmath
-- Configuring done (4.1s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/cmake
sbld: Environment inspection done (4.1 seconds)
sbld: Configuration completed => Launching build with 4 parallel processes
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
[94mBuild started[0m
Installing Core headers
Updating symlinks SomePkgC/testlogs
Updating symlinks SomePkgA/python
Updating symlinks SomePkgA/scripts
Generating SomePkgA/
Updating symlinks SomePkgA/testlogs
Updating symlinks SomePkgB/scripts
Updating symlinks SomePkgB/testlogs
Building Core/app_cmakebuildtype/main.o
Building Core/pycpp_FPE/mod.o
Building Core/pycpp_misc/mod.o
Updating symlinks Core/python
Updating symlinks Core/scripts
Generating Core/
Updating symlinks Core/testlogs
Installing global system modules
Building SomePkgC/app_foobar/main.o
Building Core/libsrc/FPE.o
Building Core/libsrc/File.o
Building Core/libsrc/FindData.o
Building Core/libsrc/String.o
Building Core/libsrc/static_asserts.o
Building SomePkgA/pycpp_bar/mod.o
Package SomePkgB done
Creating shared library for package Core
Creating application sb_somepkgc_foobar
Creating application sb_core_cmakebuildtype
Package SomePkgC done
Creating python module
Package SomePkgA done
Creating python module Core.misc
Creating python module Core.FPE
Package Core done
All done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
sbld: Summary:
sbld: Main bundle pkg root : /some/where/example_project
sbld: Installation directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/install
sbld: Build directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld
sbld: Package search path : /some/where/example_project (3 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.13/site-packages/_simple_build_system/data/pkgs-core (1 pkgs)
sbld: System : Linux-6.8.0-1021-azure
sbld: Required dependencies : C[GNU/13.3.0] CMake[3.31.6] CXX[GNU/13.3.0]
sbld: Python[3.13.2] pybind11[2.13.6]
sbld: Optional dependencies present : ZLib[1.3.1]
sbld: Optional dependencies missing[*] : ASE DL Fortran Garfield Geant4 Gemmi HDF5
sbld: Mantidpython NCrystal Numpy OSG Pandas PyToml
sbld: Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib Threads matplotlib
sbld: mpmath
sbld: Package filter[*] : <none>
sbld: Build mode : release
sbld: 4 packages built successfully : Core SomePkgA SomePkgB SomePkgC
sbld: 0 packages skipped due to [*] : <none>
sbld: Build done. You are all set to begin using the software!
sbld: To see available applications, type "sb_" and hit the TAB key twice.
[last command took 11.14 seconds to complete] $>
Several things happened above:
simplebuild searched the directory tree under
files to determine which simplebuild packages to consider. It also added the Core package (defined elsewhere in the core bundle), since that particular package is always required (for instance because it provides the"Core/Python.hh"
header file).It investigated each package to determine what kind of code and data files it provided, and established dependency relationships and other configuration details concerning the various pieces.
Behind the scenes it created a cache directory in
, to use for any sort of temporary files needed for the following steps. Note that if you ever wish to clean up the cache files, you can simply invokesb -c
.It launched CMake to inspect the environment, to learn about compilers, configuration flags, etc. It also specifically looked in the environment for
since one of our packages (SomePkgC
) had listed that as an external dependency. It took several seconds, but the result are cached for future reusage.It went ahead and actually built our various code files into their final product. For C++ code that means actual compilation into binary code, copied into appropriate “installation folders” in the cache directory. On the other hand, pure data files and scripts (like our pure Python files) are merely symlinked into their installation folders. The advantage of symlinking scripts and data files, is that any future editing will be instantly applied without any need for another
invocation. The build step was actually a bit slow, taking many seconds. This is mostly due to compilation of the (pybind11-based) C++-Python bindings. One side-effect of symlinking, is that all script files must be executable (e.g.chmod +x <pathtofile>
).It produced a little summary of all the operations.
Environment setup for non-conda installations.
If you did not install simplebuild via the conda package, the output above might have included a warning about needing to invoke
eval "$(sb --env-setup)"
to setup your environment. One solution is then to simply run that command, or you can refer to the relevant documentation for how to address this in general.
Although the entire build process took a bit of time, the cache usage means that
if we go ahead and invoke sb
once again, it will this time more or less skip
the expensive steps 4 and 5 above, and finish almost instantaneously:
$> sb
sbld: Configuration completed => Launching build with 4 parallel processes
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
[94mBuild started[0m
All done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
sbld: Summary:
sbld: Main bundle pkg root : /some/where/example_project
sbld: Installation directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/install
sbld: Build directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld
sbld: Package search path : /some/where/example_project (3 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.13/site-packages/_simple_build_system/data/pkgs-core (1 pkgs)
sbld: System : Linux-6.8.0-1021-azure
sbld: Required dependencies : C[GNU/13.3.0] CMake[3.31.6] CXX[GNU/13.3.0]
sbld: Python[3.13.2] pybind11[2.13.6]
sbld: Optional dependencies present : ZLib[1.3.1]
sbld: Optional dependencies missing[*] : ASE DL Fortran Garfield Geant4 Gemmi HDF5
sbld: Mantidpython NCrystal Numpy OSG Pandas PyToml
sbld: Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib Threads matplotlib
sbld: mpmath
sbld: Package filter[*] : <none>
sbld: Build mode : release
sbld: 4 packages built successfully : Core SomePkgA SomePkgB SomePkgC
sbld: 0 packages skipped due to [*] : <none>
sbld: Build done. You are all set to begin using the software!
sbld: To see available applications, type "sb_" and hit the TAB key twice.
[last command took 0.18 seconds to complete] $>
If we go ahead and edit a C++ file, we must then invoke sb
again, in order
to get the corresponding binary output files rebuilt. Likewise, if we are adding
or removing files to a package (or adding/removing packages), we should also
invoke sb
again, to make sure the content of the installation folders are
once again up to date and consistent with the source code files. However, if we
are merely editing existing scripts or data files, this is not needed due to the
symlinking mentioned above. Now, let us see this in practice. So let us pretend
we have edited the file example_project/SomePkgC/app_foobar/
(e.g. open it, add a blank line, close it - or merely use the unix touch
command). We have also added a new file,
with the content:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
print("I am a new command")
Since it is a script, we have made the new file executable (chmod +x
). If we had forgotten, sb
would tell us later.
With these changes, we now invoke sb
once again:
$> sb
sbld: Configuration completed => Launching build with 4 parallel processes
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
[94mBuild started[0m
Building SomePkgC/app_foobar/main.o
Updating symlinks SomePkgB/scripts
Installing global system modules
Package SomePkgB done
Creating application sb_somepkgc_foobar
Package SomePkgC done
All done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
sbld: Summary:
sbld: Main bundle pkg root : /some/where/example_project
sbld: Installation directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/install
sbld: Build directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld
sbld: Package search path : /some/where/example_project (3 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.13/site-packages/_simple_build_system/data/pkgs-core (1 pkgs)
sbld: System : Linux-6.8.0-1021-azure
sbld: Required dependencies : C[GNU/13.3.0] CMake[3.31.6] CXX[GNU/13.3.0]
sbld: Python[3.13.2] pybind11[2.13.6]
sbld: Optional dependencies present : ZLib[1.3.1]
sbld: Optional dependencies missing[*] : ASE DL Fortran Garfield Geant4 Gemmi HDF5
sbld: Mantidpython NCrystal Numpy OSG Pandas PyToml
sbld: Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib Threads matplotlib
sbld: mpmath
sbld: Package filter[*] : <none>
sbld: Build mode : release
sbld: 4 packages built successfully : Core SomePkgA SomePkgB SomePkgC
sbld: 0 packages skipped due to [*] : <none>
sbld: Build done. You are all set to begin using the software!
sbld: To see available applications, type "sb_" and hit the TAB key twice.
[last command took 0.53 seconds to complete] $>
As we can see, only parts of the build related to our changes actually had to be redone, and accordingly it was blazingly fast.
Using the project
Having built our example project, let us now try to actually use it! As a
first example, let us try to invoke the commandline application defined in our
file SomePkgC/app_foobar/
. If we look carefully in the output above,
we can notice a line saying Creating application
. In general this is how it works, all commandline
applications will end up with a name sb_<pkgname>_<appname>
where in this case <pkgname>
lowercased is somepkgc
and <appname>
is foobar
. For scripts, <appname>
instead becomes the actual
filename. The reason for this naming policy is one of name-spacing: by prefixing
all commands are with sb_<pkgname>_
, there should be almost no chance of any
name-clashes between applications in different packages, or even with other
commands on your unix system. We can try to run it:
$> sb_somepkgc_foobar
I am a silly little C++ application
I am built against zlib in version: 1.3.1
Environment setup for non-conda installations.
if you got a
sb_somepkgc_foobar: command not found
you most likely did not install simplebuild via conda. Refer to the relevant documentation for how to deal with this.
For completeness, here are some more examples of us using our project:
$> sb_somepkga_mycmd
I am calling functions from python modules in my own package:
in somefunc in a python module
in somecppfunc in a python module
$> python3 -c 'import;'
in somefunc in a python module
$> python3 -c 'import;'
in somecppfunc in a python module
$> sb_somepkgb_mycmd
I am calling functions from python modules in another package:
in somefunc in a python module
in somecppfunc in a python module
$> sb_somepkgb_newcmd
I am a new command
Adding tests
As is discussed in more details in a dedicated section, it is
possible to mark certain applications or scripts as being a test. Launching
sb --tests
(or sb -t
for short) will then not only build the project,
but will also launch all the tests. Any command that fails (i.e. exits with
non-zero exit code) will be marked as a test failure. Additionally, it is
possible to add text files containing the expected output of a given command. If
the actual output fails to match such a reference log file, it will also
result in a test failure.
Having such tests to perform a quick validation that everything still works is
tremendously useful, and here we will simply show a quick example of this in
practice. Specifically, we would like a unit test that verifies the output of
the mysquarefunc
that is already a part of the
module of
our example’s bundle. Thus, we add a new file
with the content:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
for x in [ -1, 0, 1, 3, 5 ]:
if x ) != x**2:
raise SystemExit(f'{x}) != { x**2 }')
Again, since it is a script, we have made the new file executable (chmod +x
). If we had forgotten, sb
would tell us later.
Having added this new script, we now launch sb --tests
$> sb --tests
sbld: Configuration completed => Launching build with 4 parallel processes
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
[94mBuild started[0m
Updating symlinks SomePkgA/scripts
Installing global system modules
Package SomePkgA done
All done
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/makefiles'
sbld: Summary:
sbld: Main bundle pkg root : /some/where/example_project
sbld: Installation directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/install
sbld: Build directory : /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld
sbld: Package search path : /some/where/example_project (3 pkgs)
sbld: ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/python3.13/site-packages/_simple_build_system/data/pkgs-core (1 pkgs)
sbld: System : Linux-6.8.0-1021-azure
sbld: Required dependencies : C[GNU/13.3.0] CMake[3.31.6] CXX[GNU/13.3.0]
sbld: Python[3.13.2] pybind11[2.13.6]
sbld: Optional dependencies present : ZLib[1.3.1]
sbld: Optional dependencies missing[*] : ASE DL Fortran Garfield Geant4 Gemmi HDF5
sbld: Mantidpython NCrystal Numpy OSG Pandas PyToml
sbld: Pymatgen ROOT Scipy Spglib Threads matplotlib
sbld: mpmath
sbld: Package filter[*] : <none>
sbld: Build mode : release
sbld: 4 packages built successfully : Core SomePkgA SomePkgB SomePkgC
sbld: 0 packages skipped due to [*] : <none>
sbld: Running tests in /some/where/example_project/simplebuild_cache/bld/testresults:
make[1]: Entering directory '/some/where/example_project'
make[1]: Leaving directory '/some/where/example_project'
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: Test job results | Time [ms] | Job EC | Log-diff | Trouble info
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: sb_somepkga_testfoo | 66 | OK | -- | --
sbld: ---------------------------------------+-----------+--------+----------+------------------
sbld: Test results are also summarised in: simplebuild_test_results_junitformat.xml
sbld: All tests completed without failures!
sbld: Build done. You are all set to begin using the software!
sbld: To see available applications, type "sb_" and hit the TAB key twice.
[last command took 0.42 seconds to complete] $>
All went well in this case! If you had issues, you could go and look in the
directory listed in the output (the Trouble info
column) for clues as to
what went wrong. If there was a problem with a reference log (the Log-diff
column), you could also use the sb_core_reflogupdate
command to check what
was wrong (just don’t actually update the log files unless you are the developer
maintaining them).