
Technically speaking, a simplebuild package is a directory with various code and data files. The name of the package is defined by the actual name of the directory, and should usually be CamelCased. At minimum a package directory should contain a file, with information about which (if any) other packages and external software (e.g. Geant4, ZLib, Numpy, …) is needed by the package. In practice, most packages additionally contain some sort of code or data files. The content and layout of packages is governed by some rules, which will be discussed in the following, after briefly introducing the concept of package bundles.

Package bundles

All packages belong to a given bundle, which normally is defined by all the packages under a given directory (a package root) in which a simplebuild.cfg file is located (more about such files here). Typically, users will have their own working directories (normally a Git repository) which contains a simplebuild.cfg file, and under which various subdirectories define the actual packages. Other package bundles might be available on the system, and through settings in the simplebuild.cfg file, packages in such bundles can be enabled as well. For instance, common package bundles are:

Bundle name



Provides a single package Core.

This bundle is always available and always enabled.


Provides packages with common unit tests.

This bundle is always available but not enabled by default.


Provides packages for the dgcode framework.


Provides packages with unit tests for the dgcode framework.

Note that the core bundle provides a single package named Core. This special bundle is always enabled, and all packages will automatically get a dependency on the Core package. Additionally note that the dgcode and dgcode_val bundles mentioned above, are only available if the simple-build-dgcode Conda or Python package has been installed on the system.

Format of the file

The name of the package is given by the name of the directory in which it is located, and at the very least it must contain one file called, which in the first line contains information about which optional externals (ROOT, Geant4, Fortran, …) the package needs and which other packages it depends on, if any. The latter is important for proper build order and link-time dependencies, so if for example PkgA depends on PkgB, then binaries and libraries in PkgA will be linked against the library (if any) from PkgB, and any public header files of PkgB will be available for inclusion in files in PkgA. The following lines of the file can (should) provide brief description of the purpose of the package and information about who is the principal contact person for the package.

In the simplest case where a package does not depend on other packages, the contents of the file will be very simple:


Some short description of the package goes here.

primary author:

Everything after the package() statement is optional free-form text, which is only used for documentation purposes. If the package depends on other packages, the name of those must be given after the keyword USEPKG inside the package() declaration. So if for example the package depends on other packages named SomeOtherPkg and AnotherPkg, the first line of would look like:

package(USEPKG SomeOtherPkg AnotherPkg)

Note: Even if not specified, all packages will implicitly depend on the package named Core, which is useful since most packages will need utilities found in that package (for instance, all Python modules written in C++ via pybind11 are assumed to include the C++ header file “Core/Python.hh”).

If the package needs one of the external optional dependencies (such as Geant4, ROOT, HDF5, Fortran, etc.), those are specified after a USEEXT keyword:

package(USEEXT ROOT Fortran)

Naturally, USEPKG and USEEXT can be combined:

package(USEPKG CoolPackage Utils USEEXT Geant4)

In this example, the package needs Geant4 and depends on two other packages, CoolPackage and Utils.

To see a graphical representation of all available packages and the dependencies between them, type sb --pkggraph (requires the dot command from the graphviz software packge which must be installed on your system). To focus just on enabled pkgs, instead do sb --activegraph.

Note that the author(s) of the code indicated in this file is to be contacted for proper acknowledgement in case the package is used to produce new scientific results.

Components of a package

A package with just a file is not in itself very interesting. Obviously the package must provide something more, the possibilities for that are listed here.

Note in general, simplebuild requires the following convention for file formats:

  • C++: .hh (headers) .icc (inline definitions) .cc (source)

  • C: .h (headers) .c (source)

  • Fortran: .f

  • Python: .py

Even if you are used to using other extensions, it is important that you use the ones mentioned above, because otherwise the configuration and build mechanics will not work. Note that any directory is only allowed to contain files from one of the languages above.

Note that the C++ and C code will by default be compiled with the formats C++17 and C99, respectively. Also note that in order to benefit maximally from the capabilities of modern compilers to detect problematic code, simplebuild enforces rather strict compilation flags, allows no warnings, etc.

Header files (C++/C)

If your package needs to provide public header files, they must be created in a subdirectory of your package called libinc/. Any header file, e.g. MyHeaderFile.hh, placed here can be included from your own packages or from other packages depending on your package by:

#include "PkgName/MyHeaderFile.hh"

Shared libraries (C++/C)

If your package needs to provide a library written in either C++ or C, you must create a subdirectory of your package called libsrc/ and place any files there. It will obviously mean at least one source file (.cc or .c), but also any associated header files (unless users of your library need to be able to include them, in which case they go in libinc/.

Binary applications (C++/C/Fortran)

There is no limit to the number of compiled programs which can be provided by one package. Source and header files for each such program must be placed inside a directory whose name begins with app_ followed by a unique app name (unique within the package). To avoid clashes between applications in different packages, the final name of the binary will be prefixed with sb_<package name in lower case>_<unique app name>. Thus, if files for an application are placed within a directory named app_dosomething in a package named MyPackage, then the actual name of the final program which can be launched by typing it at the command line will be sb_mypackage_dosomething.

Hint: After simplebuild is finished, you can type sb_ at the command line and then hit the TAB key to get a list of all resulting applications you can run (this also includes scripts, see below).

In order to have a program run as an automatic test (when sb -t is invoked), then either the unique part of the name of the directory must start with test (i.e. the directory must be of the form app_testxxx/) or a reference log-file named test.log must be placed inside the directory (more about tests below).

Pure Python modules

Pure Python modules (*.py) must be placed inside a subdirectory of the package named python. Each file will correspond to a submodule of a module with the same name as your package. In other words, if you in the package MyPackage place a file inside the python/ subdirectory, then clients in the form of Python scripts or other Python (sub)modules can import your code by:

import MyPackage.mystuff

Note that if you do not provide an file yourself, one will be created automatically.

Compiled Python modules

If you wish to have Python modules written in C++ (either for efficiency or because you wish to make C++ functionality accessible to Python scripts), you must create sub directories named pycpp_<modulename> Inside you must have at least one C++ source file in which you #include "Core/Python.hh" and which contains a PYTHON_MODULE section. Here is a very basic example of how to make “somecppfunc” callable from Python:

#include "Core/Python.hh"
#include <iostream>

namespace {
  void somecppfunc()
   std::cout<<"in somecppfunc in a Python module"<<std::endl;

  mod.def("somecppfunc", &somecppfunc );

Each pycpp_<modulename> subdirectory will provide one Python submodule. So if you for instance have a pycpp_mymod/ subdir in a package MyPackage, then it will result in a Python module MyPackage.mymod which can be imported in the usual fashion:

import MyPackage.mymod

These C++-Python bindings are in fact implemented with pybind, with the Core/Python.hh header mostly just defining the PYTHON_MODULE macro and introducing the convenience namespace alias py=pybind11.


Python does not as such support compiled files, but it is possible to achieve the same effect by creating a compiled submodule named _init and in have a line:

from _init import *

This is automatically done by simplebuild if it anyway has to create an file (i.e. no such file is provided by the users) and there is a compiled module named _init, i.e. defined in a subdirectory named pycpp__init (notice the double underscore in the subdirectory name).

Scripts (Python/BASH)

Of course, applications do not have to be compiled from C++, C or Fortran, but can equally well just be a script written in for instance BASH or Python. Simply place such scripts inside a subdirectory named scripts/. Make sure that any BASH script starts with the line:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

and that any Python scripts starts with (always refer to python3 never just python since some systems still have python as an alias for python2):

#!/usr/bin/env python3

As is the case for compiled programs, any scripts will after installation be prefixed with sb_<package name in lowercase>_.

As is also the case for compiled programs, any scripts can be marked as being a test (to run when sb -t is invoked) by either prefixing their file names with the word test or by placing a reference log file next to them. For example if the script is placed in a file scripts/myscript in the package MyPkg, then it will be able to be invoked after build by typing sb_mypkg_myscript and any test reference log file must be placed in scripts/myscript.log.

Data files

In addition to code in the form of programs, scripts, header files and Python modules, packages can make any kind of data file accessible to programs by placing data files in the data/ subdirectory.

This could for example be small data files to be used for input to various tests, but do note that Git repositories are NOT suitable for large files, especially not when binary. Thus, try to keep files in the data/ directory less than O(100 kilobytes) if you are working in a shared Git repository.

Data files will be available at a path given by: $SBLD_DATA_DIR/<packagename>/<datafilename>

Utilities are also provided by the sbpkg:Core package for constructing such file paths from C++, Python or BASH as the following examples of how to find the file somefile.mcpl from the package MyPackage show:

  • Locating data files from C++:

    #include "Core/FindData.hh"
    std::string datafile = Core::findData("MyPackage","somefile.mcpl");
  • Locating data files from Python:

    #option A (returns pathlib.Path):
    import Core.FindData3
    datafile = Core.FindData3("MyPackage","somefile.mcpl")
    #option B (returns str):
    import Core.FindData
    datafile = Core.FindData("MyPackage","somefile.mcpl")
  • Locating data files from the command line:

    #option A:
    #option B:
    DATAFILE=$(sb_core_finddata MyPackage somefile.mcpl)


As mentioned above, programs, either in the form of compiled C++/C/Fortran programs or Python/BASH scripts can be marked as “tests” and optionally reference log files can be provided. This serves the very important purpose on being able to validate the functionality of our code. This is super useful in at least two typical scenarios:

  • After making changes to code, one can quickly validate that they did not break existing functionality. And if something was broken, tests are hopefully fine-grained enough that one immediately can figure out what went wrong.

  • When installing the software on a new platform (i.e. a new flavour of Linux or OSX, or new versions of e.g. compilers, Geant4 or ROOT).

Of course, for the above goals to be achieved, it is important to have a high test coverage. I.e. most packages should have one or two tests which very quickly can test the basic functionality provided by the package. It does not have to take a lot of time to develop a test, since most of the time you will anyway have created small scripts and programs during development of a package. Simply tidy them up a bit and mark them as a test.

If you do not provide a test, then you can’t really complain if someone else working on the same project makes some changes which negatively influences the behaviour of your code. Their changes might after all have been done somewhere which seems to be unrelated, and they might not even have considered to double-check that your code still works afterwards. Heck, they might not even know the purpose of your code well enough to test it.

In conclusion, tests ensure:

  • Code quality, efficient use of manpower.

  • Ability for many people to work together without friction.

  • Ability to quickly validate installations on new platforms.

Any application or script whose invokable name (apart from the sb_<packagename>_ part) starts with the word test will be marked as a test, and so will any application or script who has a reference log-file provided (either a test.log file in the app_XXX/ directory or a scripts/myscript.log file for a script named scripts/myscript). Tests consists of two parts: first of all, it must finish with an exit code of 0, and second of all those tests which have a reference log-file must give the same output as that given in the log-file. Thus, do not print out pointer addresses or absolute file-paths in a test with a reference log, since those will change spuriously between invocations and when your package code was checked out in different locations.

Ideally, tests should run in “a few seconds”, to keep the combined running time within a practical and comfortable range.